Alessandro Vero

Nutrition Specialist
Personal Trainer

my VCARD my CV



I am a highly experienced Specialist of Human Nutrition of NutriFit-Lab that I co-founded,I worked as a Nutritionist at Tekfit Australia Pty from 2020 to 2023, I am Associate Nutritionist of the NSA Nutrition Society of Australia, in 1998 I graduated with a Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Rome, La Sapienza Italy. In 2010 I graduated with a Master Degree in the Science of Human Nutrition at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata Italy, and in 2011 I passed the State Examination for Senior Biologist at the University of Camerino Italy.

I've been registered with the Order of Pharmacists and the Board of Professional Senior Biologists in Italy and I am a Specialist of Human Nutritional Science.

In 2008 I co-founded the project A.S.P.E.N.I. (Professional Association of Italian Nutritionists and Ethologists).

Since 2013 I've been registered with the AINut Italian Association of Nutritionists. I participate regularly with other professionals in the project "DELTA RESEARCH", which aims to study the integration of the professions of the Nutritionist, the Psychologist and the Specialist in Sports Science.

In 2018 my MasterDegree in Human Nutritional Sciences is assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Master Degree by OQU Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development.

Professional Experience

I have been working as a freelance Nutrition Specialist in the Medical Practice in Rome.

I've been the Lecturer of Nutrition at the French-Italian School of Osteopathy in Pisa and at the Cooking and Pastry School "Les Chefs Blancs" in Rome;I've been Lecturer of Nutrition, Cosmetology, First Aid and Anatomy at the Professional Beauty School of Dora Bruschi in Rome.

I work as a Nutritionist Specialized with Sports Associations and National and International caliber athletes especially in the field of Sailing, Soccer, Tennis, Skiing, Athletics, Swimming, Water polo and Triathlon, many of whom have won National and European titles.I used to work as a Nutritionist with some Wellness Centres in Rome.Since 2009 I've supervised the school Menu at St Francis International School of Rome.


Registration number ONB AA_065722

OVERSEAS QUALIFICATION UNIT OF MASTER'S DEGREE IN HUMAN NUTRITION By Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development OQU-0418-6124

Associate Nutritionist of NSA The Nutrition Society of Australia

"We are what we eat!"

A healthy and proper diet as well as regular physical exercise, are the perfect allies to help maintain a healthy and fit body, and improve our quality of life.

What I offer

Nutritional Consultation

My professional activity follows an interdisciplinary path in which nutrition and medicine come together synergistically to provide the patient with a more balanced diet that ensures a better quality of life .

The nutritional consultation aims to identify and check the progress of your state of health in relation to your diet. It allows you to identify your dietary needs and create more balanced dietary regimes.

Every individual has specific physical and health conditions. My commitment is to provide the patient with customised food programmes, designed according to their physical and mental characteristics, such as age, lifestyle, habits and any detected diseases.

My nutritional expertise enables me to give precise indications on how to eat in order to achieve the desired result.

How I carry out the consultation

The first consultation is aimed at identifying the nutritional state of your health relating to poor diet in order to prepare the foundation for the development of a correct nutritional path as close as possible to your eating habits.

The consultation lasts approximately an hour and includes:

  • An accurate dietary and pathological history to determine your state of health and for the detection of any possible diseases.
  • A general evaluation of your weight, height and bodily circumference
  • An ultrasound-adipometry, anthropometric and bioelectrical impedance evaluation to calculate your body composition and your metabolism.

The Follow-Up consultations vary from individual to individual. In most cases I recommend for you to come back every 2 to 4 weeks. These subsequent consultations are essential to ensure success, monitor progress (Weight, body fat, etc.), to review the food diaries, to make changes in the diet according to the your needs, and of course, answer any questions you may have.

Education and Food Information

Nutritional education is the basis of a healthy life. My professional skills allow me to offer advice and services to support the efficient use of food resources and promote the culture of healthy living.

The World Health Organization and the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) have given a precise definition of Food education: "an informative and educational process through which to pursue the general improvement of the nutritional status of individuals, through the promotion of proper eating habits, eliminating improper food habits, the use of more hygienic handling of food and the efficient use of food resources;.

The goal of nutritional education is to educate the population with knowledge about food, to improve their awareness of their own diet and promote a new, healthier lifestyle, ready to improve their quality of life.

My services

My professional skills allow me to offer advice and services through information aimed at individuals, companies or institutions, aimed especially at spreading the concept of a healthy diet.

My work includes the following professional activities:

Professional consultations
  • The design of nutritional education for schools and Public Administrations.
  • Designing Menus for schools, businesses and catering.
  • Nutritional counseling for athletes, sports clubs, fitness centers, gyms, slimming centers and spas
  • Nutritional education meetings with children and their families.
Nutritional information
  • Drafting of scientific newspaper articles
  • Distribution of informative material on nutrition
  • Advice on customised recipes



My email address:

My phone mumber:

+61 (0) 402140112

My Private Studio:

Alessandro Vero - Nutritionist - Legacy

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